Wednesday, September 01, 2010

I survived

No, I'm not talking about that crazy show Leon and I watch, I am really talking about me. I survived my first day of work, no waterworks as I said goodbye to my Maxy Bear. As a matter of fact, I was so busy the entire day, it helped me keep my mind off of him.

Angie was so sweet and dropped by yesterday to give me a photoframe as a gift so I can put a picture of Max in it to look at while I am at work. I also got a text from Shannon to wish me luck on my first day back. You guys are too sweet! They must have seen me driving in my car last week shedding tears when I first left Max with the nanny! Lol...

Anywho - Max is in tact, I am ok, and I can't believe how time flew by.


angie said...

Yay! Super mom!

Shannon McShane Miller said...

You should ask the Nanny to get the La di da app so when Max is chatty, she can make a rap out of it...

angie said...

fabulous idea. i need to try it on hank.

sandy c said...

@shannon - next time i see you i need to show you the songs i already made featuring max...too funny!